CooperVision Clariti 1-Day contact lenses offer the convenience of a daily disposable combined with the state of the art technology of silicone hydrogel material. Ideal for sufferers of both short and long-sightedness these uniquely designed lenses offer premium correction for these conditions.
The premium advantages of making use of Clariti dailies include:
- Dispose of the lenses after wearing
- No need to clean or store the contacts
- Allows perfect vision regardless of the quality of interior or exterior light
CooperVision clariti 1-Day features WetLocâ„¢ technology, a process that creates a hydrophilic lens with optimal wettability. WetLocâ„¢ is a non-surface treatment technology that manipulates the structure of hydrophobic silicone molecules, so they become hydrophilic. The technology creates a lens that naturally attracts and binds water molecules, holding them tightly to the lens surface. WetLocâ„¢ also provides continuous wettability throughout the wear time. The result is a lens with a high water content that provides excellent all-day comfort for your patients. People who spend long hours in front of a computer screen will be among those who experience the full benefit of these technologically advanced corrective lenses.